Social Sustainability in the Wraparound Care Sector 

This year’s Club Central conference will focus on sustainability in the out-of-school sector, encompassing economic, environmental and social factors.  

Social sustainability is about developing inclusive, supportive, and resilient environments. It ensures that stakeholders (in our case: children, team and parents), have access to opportunities, experiences and resources, and that they feel a sense of belonging.  

The conference programme is designed with sustainability at heart, and throughout the day you will be able to consider what you can do to ensure a socially sustainable future for all. We have shared some of the lessons we have learnt in this blog: 

A Chair at the Table! 

Innocent have, for many years, had two additional chairs at their board meetings. One is representing ‘the planet’. The other is representing ‘people’. They consider their impact on both in all decision making.  We think this is something that could be implemented within childcare settings.  When you ask yourself the question: “Is there more I could do to support the planet when I make this decision?”, it might throw up surprising answers.  We all love a bit of junk modelling – the perfect approach to re-using but we are also confident that there is more that we can do.  And when you think about people, are you considering everyone in your decisions? Could you ask yourself the simple question: “What more could we do to be (even more) inclusive and create a sense of belonging for all?” 

Strategies for Creating Social Sustainability 

Inclusive Policies 

Developing and implementing inclusive policies and practices is crucial for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within your setting. Policies are the starting point for inclusive practices to follow. An initial action is to ensure that all your policies promote a welcoming environment for children and staff of all backgrounds.  And remember to ask yourself the question: “Is there more that could be done for people and planet?”, when you update your policies.   

Making Decisions 

It’s important to create a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and valued in decision-making processes. And in this instance when we say everyone, we specifically mean remembering to give children choice and space to express their opinions; this is beneficial for them now and in the future. 

Community Engagement 

Being part of and engaging with the local community builds a sense of belonging and supports social sustainability. It can also enhance collaborative working and signposting. An action here is to consider how you can encourage families to participate in community events and initiatives. This helps children and families feel connected and supported. 

On-going Training 

The more training a team receives the better they are going to be at dealing with every eventuality. Learning and upskilling is a core element of better understanding our role in social sustainability.   


Prioritising wellbeing of the children and team contributes significantly to social sustainability. There are measures that can be taken to support the wellbeing of all. Firstly, the steps that individuals can take to support their own wellbeing on a day-to-day basis and when not feeling ok. Encouraging children to find their passions and interests within the settings and enjoying the many benefits of play, which is known to support wellbeing. Within the setting it it’s important to discuss emotions and how to deal with challenges and build resilience. Mental Health and Wellbeing Training is beneficial to help teams to spot the signs that children and colleagues aren’t ok and gives the tools to support and signpost when needed.  

Healthy Lifestyles 

Promoting healthy lifestyles for all through play, activities, nutrition and self-care can have a positive impact on everyone within the setting, potentially giving interests, skills and knowledge for life. 

The out-of-school sector plays an important role in guiding and leading the way in supporting children through play. As we are not ‘school’ or ‘home’, we have the unique opportunity to help children be part of another type of community with the focus on having fun.  

Social sustainability encompasses inclusion, equity, diversity, wellbeing and community engagement.   

Join us at this year’s Club Central conference and learn more about how we can all play our part! 


The Benefits of Play for Social Sustainability


Environmental Sustainability in Out-of-School Settings