Sponsorship &
Exhibitor Packages
The conference will be inspiring, it will be engaging, it will be rewarding and it will be fun! You won’t just get your brand known and generate leads - you will be building a sustainable future for the sector.
All marketing points to this engaging, easy-to-use website.
Social Media
We run an active social media campaign throughout the course of the conference period.
Local Authority Mailing List
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Sponsorship & Exhibitor Packages
Got questions? Not sure what is right for you? And more importantly, ready to book?
Headline Sponsor of Conference and OSCAs Awards
20 Minute Key Note presentation
Pre-recorded podcast showcasing your sponsorship
First Choice of Exhibition Table
100 Words and link on website
Included in communications as platinum sponsor
3 x tickets to give to customers/prospects
10% Discount Code for customers (valid until the end of July 2024)
Promotional Toolkit to showcase your participation as a sponsor
Acknowledged in keynote as sponsor
Inserts in delegate pack
Includes 2 delegates to conference & OSCAS awards
Email contact list of opt-ed in subscribers shared post event
Exclusive sponsorship of a ‘track’ (business, delivery, team)
5 Minute Presentation to open your track
15 minute podcast recording about why you are a gold sponsor
Premium Choice of Exhibition Table
100 Words and link on website
Included in communications as gold sponsor
3 x tickets to give to customers/prospects
10% Discount Code for customers (valid until the end of July 2024)
40% Discount Applied to Award Sponsorship
Promotional Toolkit to showcase your participation as a sponsor
Acknowledged in keynote as sponsor
Multipage inserts in delegate pack
Includes 2 delegates to conference & OSCAs awards
Email contact list of opt-ed in subscribers shared post event
£3,000 plus VAT
Exhibitor Table (Tier 2 Selection of Exhibition Area)
Video recording pre-conference about your product and why you want to meet the sector
75 Words and link on website
2 x Exhibitor Tickets to Conference and OSCAs awards
2 x Complementary Tickets to give to customers
30% Discount applied to OSCAs Award Sponsorship
Promotional Toolkit to showcase your participation as a sponsor
Email contact list of opt-ed in subscribers shared post event
Acknowledged in keynote as sponsor
1 x A4 sheet in exhibitor pack
Cost £1500 plus VAT
*Also welcome to submit sessions through the ‘call for speakers’
Exhibition Area (Tier 3 Stand Selection)
50 Words and link on website
Acknowledged in keynote as sponsor
1 x A4 sheet in exhibitor pack
Includes 1 x conference delegate and entry into OSCAs Awards Ceremony
Promotional Toolkit to showcase your participation as a sponsor
20% Discount applied to Award Sponsorship
Cost £550 plus VAT
Welcome to submit sessions through the ‘call for speakers’
Exhibition Table - Tier 4 Choice
25 Words and link on website
Includes 1 x conference delegate (note: Admission to OSCAs is not included)
Cost: £350 plus VAT
Logo on Awards Page
Company Name Shown Next to Award Submission
Acknowledged in keynote as Award Sponsor
Option to join judging panel for sponsored award
1 x entrance to Awards Ceremony
Option to present award at Awards Ceremony
Option to have photograph taken with award winner
Cost: £150
Welcome to submit sessions through the ‘call for speakers’
Include 1 x flyer (maximum size 1 x sheet of A4) in delegate pack.
Cost: £75
If you would like to sponsor another element of the conference, such as lanyards, bags, refreshment breaks, or something else, get in touch! All ideas considered and we can find something for every budget.
We are particularly interested in hearing from anyone who can help us deliver the OSCAs awards ceremony that the sector deserves!